Why Foreign Languages are Helpful and Interesting

The World has many different cultures and countries, and the only thing that forms a barrier between them and separates them are languages. So if you know a new language, you unlock an entire dimension of things you didn’t know before! Languages are truly the ultimate link between worlds. Languages are very helpful and very interesting.

Say you want to travel to a new country, like Paris or Germany. Everything is great when you get there, except one thing, you can’t talk with nearly everybody there. But if you learn the language of that country or city, you can really have the best experience, talking with guides and making new friends… It’s almost like turning a light on in a pitch black room. So for traveling, Languages are truly the key to being successful.

And then if you want to learn a language just to understand your own better, it isn’t any less useful. I take Latin, and though it isn’t spoken anywhere, it truly is the best language for understanding English, and even other languages like Spanish or German. I now hear words that I would never understand otherwise, and just by using my knowledge from taking Latin I can make out what the word means! Did you know that every part of the heart is named directly from Latin? That is the kind of wealth a new foreign language can bring.

So whether you’re traveling to a new country, or just want to learn more about English, a language can be just the thing for you. If you are in Middle School and aren’t taking a language, I definitely recommend you do, because they’re very helpful and some of the most interesting subjects in education.

3 thoughts on “Why Foreign Languages are Helpful and Interesting

  1. Hi Kyle, I’m your mentor from SCOTLAND UK. I’m a Modern Foreign Languages teacher and LOVED this post <3 I'm just having a wee nosey tonight. I'll visit again soon and comment on some of your other posts 🙂


  2. Spanish is what I specialise but I teach French too. I prefer Spanish if I am being honest and so do the kids!

    Peanut butter eh? …….LOVE on a sandwich when I’m doing my deberes (HOMEWORK)

    Do you do some Spanish?? You could visit my kids in SCOTLAND who have just uploaded some stuff and get them to visit you!

    sanambrosio.edublogs.org – see if you can find my ‘wee me’ and you can let me know what you think!

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